Pippa Nicholas
Pippa es la responsable del funcionamiento diario de la empresa. Pippa se encarga del trabajo mecánico y de la negociación con clientes, el desarrollo de productos y contratos. Pippa tiene su sede en Florida, pero visita oficinas internacionales y clientes con regularidad.

Kim Nicholas
Kim es la responsable de las operaciones financieras diarias, así como de las negociaciones de contratos en los EE.UU

Simon Pearce
Simon se ha reincorporado al equipo y proporciona una riqueza de experiencia para hacer crecer a la compañía, ambos canales B2B y B2C. El enfoque centrado en la solución de Simon encaja perfectamente con nuestra cultura centrada en el cliente.

Zack Dutton
Zack has extensive experience in managing IT infrastructure and networks and oversees all aspects of our technical offerings. From design and implementation to continued maintenance and support. His leadership and innovative approach are exactly what we need as we continue to enhance our systems and support our company’s rapid growth.

Caroline Frame
Caroline ha sido un activo para nuestro equipo durante unos años, es responsable del funcionamiento diario de nuestra oficina en EE.UU. Caroline también es una gurú de los números y, por lo tanto, también es responsable de nuestro Departamento de Control de Crédito y Libro Mayor de Compras.
El día favorito de la semana de Caroline es el "Jueves de Tacos".

Richard Cox
Richard is the newest member of our growing team that works with our customers to support their systems and to ensure a smooth running of onboard systems and communications. Richard is highly knowledgeable in the IT space and is a great asset to the team.

Ben Carrington
Ben brings a wealth of technical expertise that ensures reliable, secure, and efficient systems for both our company and customers. His proactive solutions and attention to detail drive seamless experiences, enhancing operational performance and customer satisfaction.

Deborah Fountain
Deborah is our Global assistant and logistics co-ordinator. She keeps us all in line with our procedures and arranges our travel needs for visits on site / on board. Assisting the accounts team is another string to her bow, together with posting on our Social Media pages.

Vaughan Atkinson
Vaughan has joined the company as our Middle Eastern business development officer bringing his many years of experience in the region to the table.